Program Year

Currently, the active months of the Sisterhood are from January - December each year with major programs and special projects offered throughout the year.  These events will provide opportunities for you to take a break, learn, serve, nurture yourself and your soul, and best of all, enjoy the fellowship of your extended family of sisters!

Join the Sisterhood!    

You are welcome to become a member of the Brookland Baptist Sisterhood if you want to make a difference and meet the following criteria:

·        Are a female 18 years or older;

·        Are committed to and agree with the mission and objectives of the Sisterhood;

·        Pay the annual membership fee of $15, $16 if paying online.

Memberships and renewals after the annual membership drive in January may be made at Sisterhood events and meetings. 

“I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.” ~  Maya Angelou

Sisterhood Membership Form

Sisterhood Membership Form

To join online, simply fill in the membership form below, and continue to the next page to pay online.  Membership annual dues is $15 + $1 online processing fee.

  • Community Service: Develops and promotes active participation in community service projects.
  • Hospitality/Volunteer: Coordinates refreshments for meetings and workshops and recruits and coordinates volunteers as needed for events.
  • Membership: Manages all membership initiatives.
  • Programs: Plans and implements all programs and activities for the Sisterhood except those planned and implemented by the Special Projects Committee.
  • Public Relations: Promotes the Sisterhood to members of Brookland Baptist Church  and the community.
  • Special Projects: Plans events and activities beyond the annual events planned and implemented by the Program Committee.



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Please select your committee/committees of interest.

Meetings and events

Meetings and Events


february/march newsletter

December/January newsletter

October/november newsletter

August/September newsletter

June/july newsletter

 April/May newsletter

February/March Newsletter


One of the best ways in which to enhance your Sisterhood experience and build relationships is by serving on a committee. Choose from the committees listed below and email the chairperson of each committee you choose to join.

Public Relations/Marketing: Promotes the Sisterhood to members of Brookland Baptist Church and the community.

Programs: Plans and implements all programs and activities for the Sisterhood except those planned and implemented by the Special Projects Committee.

Special Projects: Plans events and activities beyond the annual events planned and implemented by the Programs Committee.
Community Service: Develops and promotes active participation in community service projects.

Membership: Manages all membership initiatives.

Hospitality/Volunteer: Coordinates refreshments for meetings and workshops and recruits and coordinates volunteers as needed for events.


By-Laws of

Brookland Baptist Sisterhood



To edify, educate and facilitate the spiritual growth and maturity of women.

Article 1: Name and Location

Section 1:

The name of this organization shall be the Brookland Baptist Sisterhood.


Section 2:

The headquarters of this organization shall be at Brookland Baptist Church, West Columbia, South Carolina.


Article 2: Objectives

To educate and enhance spiritual and emotional growth among women.
To promote family stability and relationships.
To promote community service among women.

Article 3: Membership and Fees

Membership is open to any female 18 years old or older including, but not limited to, members of Brookland Baptist Church, who is committed to and agrees with the mission and objectives of this organization and who pays an annual membership fee determined by a majority vote of the organization.


Article 4: Rules of Order and Meetings

Section 1:

This organization shall use the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order for all official meetings. The Rules of Order will be administered by a Parliamentarian.


Section 2:

Meetings of members shall be held regularly and decided upon annually by the executive committee.


Section 3:

Special meetings may be called by the President at her discretion.


Article 5: Officers

The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Chaplain, Assistant Chaplain, and Parliamentarian.


Article 6: Election of Officers


Section 1:

This organization shall conduct its election at the regular meeting of the Executive Board in November, and new officers shall assume their respective offices at the January Executive Board meeting.


Section 2:

Elections shall be conducted through a nominating process. The nominating process will officially open with the call to order of the November Executive Board meeting. If there is no regular meeting in November, the President shall call a special meeting for the purpose of elections. The President shall be appointed by the Pastor. All other officers shall be elected by the Executive Board.


Section 3:

All officers must be full members of Brookland Baptist Church.


Article 7: Tenure of Officers

All elected officers shall serve a term of two years with the option of additional terms. When no candidate is available for an office, the President shall appoint a person to fulfill that role.


Article 8: Duties of Officers

Section 1: President

The duties and responsibilities of the President shall be to open and preside at all meetings. She or her designee shall sign all contracts and co-sign with the Treasurer all financial documents and vouchers of the organization. The President shall interpret the By-Laws in the event of differences of opinion of this document.


Section 2: Vice President

The duties and responsibilities of the Vice President shall be to aid the President in the discharge of her duties, preside in the absence of the president, perform all duties which the President may direct, and coordinate and serve as an ex-officio member of all standing committees. The Vice President shall oversee all committees and make sure all committees are fulfilling the requirements of their functions prescribed by the By-Laws and/or the President.


Section 3: Secretary

The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep a record of all minutes of the organization’s meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for having these records ready for examination at such time as the organization or the President directs. The Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date record of members.


Section 4: Assistant Secretary

The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary shall be to aid the Secretary in the discharge of her duties.


Section 5: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be in charge of and have the responsibility for the safeguard of all money, funds, and securities of the organization, and chair the  Finance Committee.
The Treasurer shall deposit in an approved bank all funds received within five business days of receipt.
Funds shall be disbursed by the Treasurer by written voucher signed by the President or the President’s or Treasurer’s designee. When funds are disbursed to either the Treasurer or the President, the Vice President shall sign the voucher.
The Treasurer shall maintain records of all receipts and disbursements. These records shall become the property of the organization.
The Treasurer will present a written monthly report at every meeting which shall be available for any member in good standing upon request.

Section 6: Assistant Treasurer

The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Treasurer shall be to aid the Treasurer in the discharge of her duties.


Section 7: Chaplain

The duties of the chaplain shall be to lead the ministry in prayer prior to business meetings, lead devotional services as needed and uplift the sisters in prayer. The Chaplain shall also inform the President of members who have experienced family deaths or illnesses.


Section 8: Assistant Chaplain

The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Chaplain shall be to aid the Chaplain in the discharge of her duties.


Section 9: Parliamentarian

The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to assist the President in settling parliamentary questions. The Parliamentarian shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order’s current edition.


Article 9: Standing Committees

The standing committees of the organization are as follows: Executive, Finance, Public Relations, Program, Special Projects, Community Service, Membership, Hospitality/Volunteer.


Article 10: Functions of the Standing Committees

Each standing committee shall be responsible for a report at each meeting.


Section 1: Executive

Duties of this committee shall be to conduct the affairs of the organization when the body is not in session. This committee shall ensure that the plans, goals and objectives of the organization are carried out.
Members of this committee shall include appointed and elected officers and liaisons.
The Executive Committee shall make decisions for the organization and appoint special committees as needed. The Executive Committee shall meet the first Tuesday of each month.

Section 2: Finance

The duties of this committee shall be to prepare and present a budget for the organization. The chair of this committee shall be the Treasurer.


Section 3: Public Relations

The duties of this committee shall be to:

Publish newsletters for members.
Coordinate all media and public outreach of the organization.
Construct and coordinate information distributed to the public regarding the events and activities of the organization.

Section 4: Program Committee

The duties of this committee shall be to plan and implement all programs and activities for the Sisterhood except those planned and implemented by the Special Projects Committee.


Section 5: Special Projects

The duties of this committee shall be to plan events and activities beyond the annual events planned and implemented by the Program Committee.


Section 6: Community Service

The duties of this committee shall be to:

Present an outline of the year’s activities.
Design specific community service projects.
Promote active participation in community service projects.

Section 7: Membership

The duties of this committee shall be to:

Invite new members.
Distribute membership cards.
Maintain data on all members.
Respond to requests for membership.
Develop a membership packet.
Sell Sisterhood items at events.

Section 8: Hospitality/Volunteer

The duties of this committee shall be to:

Coordinate refreshments for meetings and workshops.
Recruit and coordinate volunteers as needed for events.

Article 11: Quorum

A quorum shall be one-half of the membership of the executive committee.


Article 12: Amendments

The By-Laws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of the executive committee at a meeting at which there is a quorum after one month’s written notice of proposed amendments.


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