Young People

Results filtered by “Norma Brown”

We All Have Gifts

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God has placed gifts inside of everyone of us. They are just like unopened gifts under the Christmas tree. They look pretty to people on the outside but they really can't be used until they are opened up. Sometimes we are excited and sometimes we are anxious about opening them up. We don't like not knowing what is on the inside of us because it can be scary and or overwhelming.  BUT if we think about who gave us the gift and how much the giver loves us, HE gave HIS life for us and HE will never leave us or forsake us.   And HIS plans for us is to give us hope and a future. We discover we don't have to be afraid to open the gifts up but use the gifts GOD has placed inside of us for HIS GLORY and to help others.

Posted by Norma Brown

Winning the Battle But Losing The War

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Sometimes we are so proud of ourselves for doing things that hurt others.  We can curse people out, offend them, look down on them, disrespect them and then we walk away feeling good about ourselves.   We may have felt empowered at that moment but we are leaving people hurt and broken. So you walk around feeling like you have won.  You may have won the battle which is temporary, but you lost the war which is lifelong.   You have left behind life long casualties that may cause a child to grow up into an angry adult.  A person that is already broken now in a mental state may never recover from that. Yes, you won a lot of the battles but was it worth all the causalities win losing the war?  Be careful of your actions because they have consequences.

What Does It Mean To Be Smart?

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Sometimes, a person will refer to a student as the "smartest person in the class". What does "smart" really mean?  Are you referring to the academic knowledge they have? If a student has a 4.8 GPA and goes out and drinks while driving and injures several people is he or she smart?  We need to really think about what it really means to be smart. The Bible says that wisdom comes from God. So when the Holy Spirit speaks to you and you are obedient, then you are smart. Our ancestors built this country without a formal education so, are they not smart because they did not go to school?  When you spend time with GOD, and learn to hear His voice and obey His voice, He will tell you and help you get a good education and also tell you what choices to make. When you can do that then you are smart. 

Posted by Norma Brown
Tags: smart
