Young People

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What Does It Mean To Be Smart?

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Sometimes, a person will refer to a student as the "smartest person in the class". What does "smart" really mean?  Are you referring to the academic knowledge they have? If a student has a 4.8 GPA and goes out and drinks while driving and injures several people is he or she smart?  We need to really think about what it really means to be smart. The Bible says that wisdom comes from God. So when the Holy Spirit speaks to you and you are obedient, then you are smart. Our ancestors built this country without a formal education so, are they not smart because they did not go to school?  When you spend time with GOD, and learn to hear His voice and obey His voice, He will tell you and help you get a good education and also tell you what choices to make. When you can do that then you are smart. 

Posted by Norma Brown
Tags: smart
Results filtered by “Motivation”

What Is Your Reputation?


We invest in our reputation.
Whether we intend to or not. 
Good and bad.
Our reputation is how others see us, but our character is who we really are.
Seen is what we reveal to others.
Unseen is what is not always revealed but this also has an audience.

In the letters to the churches in Revelations 2:1-32, seven times the words “I know” appears.
The message is two-fold
“I know what is seen, but I also know what is not”.
Jesus speaks to the churches not as an accuser but as a friend.
To encourage, to correct and also to chastise.
But there is also another observer.
Job 1:6 identifies him as Satan
Zechariah 3:1 identifies this observer as one ready to accuse.
Revelations 12:10 leaves no doubt that he is “the accusers of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before God day and night.

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