BNE Ministries Page

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love. - Galatians 5:13

New Here

Welcome to Brookland Baptist Church Northeast. Here you'll find a place to connect with real people and real families. Join us for Sunday Service, fellowship, worship, and great events for all ages.

Get Involved

As the Campus Pastor of Brookland Baptist Church Northeast, I would like to invite you to “Help Jesus” by participating in one of the many ministries here at our Northeast campus.  In this flyer is information about each of the ministries here so you can determine where you can fit in “Helping Jesus”. Everyone is invited to participate. If you desire more information, please contact the Ministry Director for the Ministry in which you are interested.

-Pastor Chris

Help Serve

It is our desire to create disciple making communities. We do this through reaching people, teaching them to love and serve Jesus, and sending them to reach, teach, and send others.


Want to help lead? We have a multitude of leadership opportunities and are open to new roles. If you have a specific vision that you would like to pursue for leadership feel free to let us know!

northeast ministries 

Deacons/Deaconess Ministry

DEACON TEAM: Deacon Michael Keels, Lead Deacon Gregory Bodrick, Deacon Thomas Daniels, Deacon John Dublin, Deacon Heyward Green, Deacon Leon Hines, Deacon Willie Leathers, Deacon Andre Lewis, Deacon Oscar McKnight, Deacon James McQueen, Deacon David Moore, Deacon Carlos Moses, Deacon Leon Williams, and  Deacon Michael Williams.

DEACONESS TEAM: President Deaconess Pamela Hailstock-Davis, Vice President Deaconess Danni Priester, Northeast Lead: Deaconess Celeste Williams, Secretary: Deaconess Bernice Breeland, Assistant Secretary: Deaconess Pamela Johnson, Treasure: Deaconess Iphigenia “Jeannie” Linen, Assistant Treasurer: Deaconess Terri Bracey, Chaplain: Deaconess Marcie Pharr, Assistant Chaplain: Deaconess Silisia Moses, Parliamentarian: Deaconess Marie Williams. 

Christian Education

Rev. Tiffany Redmond, Director
   | (803) 767-5767 home

This ministry provides an understanding of the Bible and Jesus Christ; an understanding of how one is saved by faith; an understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit, the Church and the body of Christ; an understanding of prayer; and an understanding of forgiveness.

Spiritual Gifts: Teaching, Pastoring, Knowledge, Administration, Exhortation, Wisdom, Serving/Ministering

Bible Study – Pastor Chris

Volunteers selected by the Pastor are used to assist him in teaching God’s Word in a group setting where questions can be asked and where answers are provided on how to confront tests in our lives while developing a deeper understanding of God.

New Member Orientation – Pamela Felder

Volunteers are used to give new members a clear understanding of the significance of their new life in Christ, to explain the responsibilities inherited because of their Christian experience, to orientate new members about the church ministries, and to define what it means to become a disciple of God’s church.

Sunday School – Reverend Tiffany Redmond, Superintendent

Congregational Care Ministry (Adults)

Rev. Denean Ambershley, Director
 | (443) 996-2284 cell

This ministry provides care and encouragement for righteous living to the adults in the church.  Volunteers are used to help adult congregants focus on living their faith in their daily lives.

Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy, Serving/Ministering, Mercy, Evangelism, Exhortation, Wisdom

BNE Men’s Fellowship – Emery Gary

Brotherhood – Deacon Willie Leathers

Care & Keep – Lisa Davis

Couples for Christ – Deacon Mike & Deaconess Celeste Williams 

Intercessory Prayer Ministry – Reverend Marilyn Bassfield

Singles Ministry – Tre' Tailor

Sisterhood – Sandra Best

C.A.Y.A. – Deaconess Silisia Moses and Tye Hoyte

Congregational Care Ministry (Youth)

Reverend Chavis and Courtney Smith |   | (803) 521-0829

This ministry provides care and encouragement for righteous living to the youth in the church.

Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy, Teaching, Pastoring, Knowledge, Evangelism, Serving/Ministering

Children’s Worship/Children’s Church – Deaconess Sabrina Moore

Nursery – Interim Reverend Chavis and Courtney Smith

Teen Program and Teen Worship – Reverend Chavis Smith

Music and Arts Ministry

Elder Erica Lakin, Director

This ministry is designed to establish consistent musical and art forms of worship in an inspiring and uplifting manner for Brookland Northeast.

Spiritual Gifts: Serving/Ministering, Evangelism, Exhortation

Deaf & Hard of Hearing/Signing – Cleo Webster

Sanctuary Choir -  Elder Erica Lakin

Children/Youth Choir – Monetha Gaskin & Tre Tailor

Liturgical Dance – Reverend Tiffany Redmond

Outreach Ministry

Loraine Montgomery, Director |   | (803) 239-8323 cell 

This ministry is to help those in need by going out into the community and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Gifts: Prophecy, Evangelism, Serving/Ministering, Giving, Healing, Exhortation, Mercy, Faith

Prison Ministry – Ronald Moore

Angel Network – Vicki Walker

Back Pack Program – Deaconess Hazel Keels

Military/Veterans Support – Wesley Dodd

Ushers Ministry

Deacon Micheal Keels, Director |   | (803) 788-7242 home

This ministry is designed to prepare the sanctuary for worshipers so they are free to focus on the worship and teaching of Christ.

Spiritual Gifts: Serving/Ministering, Administration, Healing, Faith, Mercy, Exhortation, Giving 

Health & Wellness – Deaconess Hazel Keels

Hospitality/Greeters - Frenchie Walker 

Senior Ushers – Lin Johnson

Junior Ushers – Lois Goodwin

Media Ministry

Deacon Cliff Wilson, Director |   | (803) 556-8102

This ministry is designed to spread the gospel using audio, video, lighting, photographs and staging in unique ways.

Spiritual Gifts: Serving/Ministering, Evangelism 

Audio/Visual/Broadcasting Terdell Mealing

Tim Gaskin