Brookland Ministries list

Trustee Ministry

Michael Ferguson, Chairman

Deaconess Ministry

Deaconess Pamela Hailstock-Davis, President

The Deaconess Ministry encourages a covenant relationship within the church with loving attitudes of understanding, acceptance, and kindness. The deaconess’s goal is to be a helpmate to her husband in visiting the sick and giving spiritual encouragement with compassion, love, and patience.

Deaconesses are responsible for assisting with the church ordinances, Baptism and Communion.

1) Deaconesses help female candidates prepare for the Baptismal services. The deaconess is there to provide counsel and reassurance to the candidate during this once-in-a-lifetime experience. After the services, the deaconesses are responsible for laundering and storage of the items used during Baptism.

2) It is the duty of the deaconesses to prepare the table in observance of The Lord’s Supper. After Communion, the deaconess will undress the table, clean utensils, launder and properly store linen and utensils.

 Deaconesses are appointed by the pastor.

Participants: Wives of the Deacons and other Women of dignity within the church, selected by the Pastor, who possess Christian purpose and who have great reverence for spiritual matters.


Academic Education Ministry

Deacon Robert Rhinehart, Ph.D., Director

 The role of the church is vitally important in all aspects of life, even more so when it comes to the education of our youth. Children must not only be taught to reverence God through scriptural knowledge, but encouraged in the pursuit of academic excellence as well.  The world we live in today requires our young people to prove themselves qualified to accept the challenges of a more technically diverse society. God admonishes us to teach.

Exodus 18:20 “And thou shall teach them ordinances and laws, and shall show them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.”

The Brookland Baptist Church Academic Ministry encourages, promotes and rewards excellence in education (grades 1 - 12) through various programs (honor roll recognition, scholarships and education assistance awards). 

Brookland's Scholarship Information

 Director: Dr. Robert Rhinehart
Academic Honor Roll: Ms. Marilyn Hopson
Scholarship Fund: Ms. Marilyn Hopson

For additional information you may contact: West Campus  Marilyn Hopson 

Black History

Dr. Reginald A. Bess, chairman

academic honor roll

Pastor’s and Deacons’ Honor Rolls
Guidelines and Procedures
Developed by the Academic Education Ministry Scholarship Fund Committee

The scholarship committee, on behalf of the Brookland Baptist Church family, presents revised GUIDELINES and PROCEDURES GOVERNING the PASTOR’S AND DEACONS’ HONOR ROLLS.  Pastor Jackson has made “excellence in education” one of the hallmarks of the church’s ministries.  These guidelines provide the procedures used to recognize those students in grades one through twelve who are meeting the standards of excellence that we expect our students to maintain.
1.  What is the purpose of the honor rolls? 
Brookland Baptist Church provides a rich, Christian education for its members and for the wider community.  The church also embraces a holistic ministerial agenda, which focuses on the total development of the individual.  To that end, the church recognizes and promotes excellence in education.  The honor rolls recognize those students who have excelled academically and encourage them to continue their efforts.

2.  Who is eligible for inclusion on the honor rolls?
Students in grades 1 – 12 and attend Brookland Baptist Church services regularly are eligible for inclusion on the honor rolls.

3.  How are students recognized?
All students receive monetary rewards.  Students on the Pastor’s list will receive $10.00 and students on the Deacons’ list will receive $5.00. 

4.  When students are recognized and receive rewards? 
Students are recognized twice per year during the regular worship service. First semester (1st & 2nd Quarters) honor roll students are recognized on the third Sunday in February.  Second semester (3rd & 4th Quarters) honor roll students are recognized on the third Sunday in June.  The date is announced in the bulletin.  Students may pick up rewards following both worship services.

5.  What are the eligibility requirements for the Pastor’s Honor Roll?
Students qualifying for the Pastor’s Honor Roll must have an A in all subjects during the applicable grading period.  Grades are not averaged.

6.  What are the eligibility requirements for the Deacons’ Honor Roll?
Students qualifying for the Deacons’ Honor Roll must earn at least a B average during the applicable grading period.  If there is a C on the report card, a student may still qualify for the Deacons’ Honor Roll as long as the overall average is B.

7.  Who will review report cards to determine eligibility? 
The Scholarship Committee will review report cards for the applicable grading period by using the grading scale defined by the SC Department of Education for public schools. Additional grading information will be requested when grading scale is not consistent with the SC Department of Education standard. 

8.  What process is used when grades other than A, B, C or D is used and the grading scale is different from the SC Department of Education?
The committee accepts evaluation of student performance other than the traditional assignment of grades and will request an additional evaluation when needed.

9.  Where should report cards be submitted? 
Students should place report cards in the box labeled “REPORT CARDS” located in the lobby of the administration building by the due date. The due date will be announced and posted in the church bulletin. Parent’s name and telephone number must be recorded on the back of the report card. 

10. Who is responsible for these guidelines and procedures and answering questions about the Pastor’s and Deacons’ Honor Rolls?
Scholarship Fund Committee

Tutorial Program

Cassandra Conyers-Rush, Coordinator
 | 803-318-3479

 Our tutorial program is located under our Brookland Foundation

college ministry

Minister John Lakin, III - Director

Usher's Ministry

Deacon Donald Turner, Director

The definition of an usher means doorkeeper but in truth, our churches greatly depend on diversity and magnitude of the many services ushers provide. Each usher has the opportunity to impact the lives of new and existing people in the church and should be viewed as an extension of the pastor’s hand. In most cases, they provide the first impression of church and its ministry.

Most pastors believe that an usher’s performance can make or break the outcome of the service as well as bring a true reflection of how friendly and loving their church really is. Ushers set the spiritual climate of the service by presenting a joyful attitude, make others feel welcome and comfortable, and make sure that everything is flowing in a proper order so that everyone is free to worship without interruption.  

other programs
Health and Wellness Guild - 
Junior Ushers- Fred and angela Ladson
Young Adult Ushers - thomas johnson, jr
Senior Ushers- Deacon dave Mitchell

 Usher's Guide

music and arts ministry

Harold Brooker, Minister of Music

ALL Youth Ministries

Dr. Kenneth Campbell, youth ministry Director 
elder mark richard, youth and teens pastor |   

 Click here for all the youth ministries

Deacons Ministry

Deacons Information and Contact

Contact Information

Purpose Statement

The Brookland Baptist Church, located in the West Columbia and Northeast Columbia communities, is an anointed Christian “family” serving the spiritual and social needs of God’s people. Our purpose is to function as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. By serving in and through the church, we partner with the Pastor in enabling the church to “Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Evangelism, Education and Economic Empowerment.”

Vision statement

We, the Deacons of Brookland Baptist Church, feel led of the Lord to demonstrate our service as His disciples by utilizing our individual gifts and abilities to meet specific needs within the congregation. We know that Jesus came to serve and as deacons, we must be willing to serve:  “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

Team Justification

The justification for the "Team Concept" is based on the biblical model for the church as expressed in 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 -- where it is taught that the church operates like the human body. The body has many members and they work as a unit to follow the directions of the brain (Jesus Christ). Every member is connected to the others in such a way that what it does contributes to the overall health of the body.

We are also reminded that "Teams" belong to a mission-driven environment which empowers members and others to complete the mission of the church.  Therefore, our deacons ministry is divided into the following teams:

The Teams

Devotional Fellowship

Deacons Family Information

Deacons Family Information Form



( )   -

( )   -

Are You A Member of Brookland?*

If yes, please list his name.

Hospitalization, Sickness, Bereavement, Weddings, Communion, etc.

Change of Personal Information

Change of Personal Information For Members

Marriage, etc.

Old Address


New or Current Address


( )   -

( )   -

List all names of family members in relation to you. (Ex. Barbara Adams- Wife, Sarah Adams- Daughter)

Are You A Member?*

Which Campus Do You Attend?*

Please Upload Your Photo

Any additional Information that we need to know?

*See list of Deacons below


Deacon A. J. Linen

Deacon Acy Suber, Jr.

Deacon Andre Lewis

Deacon Arnold Benson

Deacon Benjamin Washington

Deacon Billie Pharr

Deacon Carl Dunn

Deacon Carlos Moses

Deacon Chester Myers

Deacon Clyde Lawer

Deacon Curley Brown

Deacon Dale Collier

Deacon Dave Mitchell

Deacon David Moore

Deacon Dennis Breeland

Deacon Dennis Dudley

Deacon Donald Turner

Deacon Eric Coleman

Deacon Frank Bell

Deacon Frank Dantzler

Deacon George Holmes

Deacon Harold Reed

Deacon Harry Jivers

Deacon Hayward Greene

Deacon Jake Sello

Deacon James McQueen

Deacon Jamie Suber

Deacon Jeremiah Jamison

Deacon Jerome Bracey

Deacon Jimmy Garvin

Deacon John Dublin

Deacon Larry Cartledge

Deacon Lenell Geter

Deacon Lenzo Kohn, Jr.

Deacon Leon E. Hines

Deacon Leon Williams

Deacon Leverette Williams

Deacon Malcolm Woods

Deacon Mark Jones

Deacon Michael Harris

Deacon Michael Keels

Deacon Michael Williams

Deacon Nathaniel Stewart

Deacon Oliver Williams

Deacon Oscar McKnight

Deacon Randy Davis

Deacon Raymond Perkins

Deacon Richard Cunningham

Deacon Robert Gardner

Deacon Robert Rhinehart

Deacon Ronald Richmond

Deacon Sammie Grant

Deacon Thomas Daniels

Deacon Thomas Johnson

Deacon Tyrone Brown

Deacon Van Johnson

Deacon Walter Priester

Deacon Wilbert Baker

Deacon William Bethea

Deacon William Randolph

Deacon Willie Morgan


Christian Education Ministry

Christian Education Ministry

our purpose

Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with always even until the end of the world.


 To promote and maintain programs and activities dedicated to teaching the word of God. Focusing on the love of God and living a Christian life through the study of His word.


The Christain Education ministry consists of several entities.  Sunday school, New Members Orientation, Vacation Bible school, and Bible study (except Pastor's Bible Study).


The Christian Education department is always in need of volunteers.  We are especially in need of men to assist with the younger classes.

Reverend James A. Jamison, Interim Director

New Members Orientation


 To orient new church members to the history of Brookland Baptist Church, to assimilate new member to the many ministries of the church and to provide important information about the leadership roles of the church to ensure the continuous growth of the church.

Ministry Contact:  Dea. Harold Reed
Ministry Contact Email: 

Sunday School

 Sunday school has been a long standing tradition in the African American church.  It is a relevant today as it was yesterday.  Sunday school is held each Sunday at 10am.  There are classes for all ages that have a focused study of God's word.  Join us as we embrace the growing trends in Christian education as well as the technology advances for teaching. One of our 25 teachers  will be excited to have you join their class.

Join us next Sunday!

Wendy P. Kearney, Superintendent

 We Offer:

Women's Bible Study
New Members Orientation
Sunday School
Young Adult Bible Study

vacation bible school

shawnette leach


the purpose of the community vacation bible school is to reach out to children and families in the surrounding brookland / lakeview community in order to immerse them in activities that will enhance the jesus experience and ultimately bring them to christ.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL- Vacation Bible school is traditionally held each year the first full week in June.  The week long community event serves nearly 500 persons per day.   Classes are staffed by volunteers and serves infants, children, and adults.  Following classes a meal is served to complete the evening.

Bible Institute

Reverend James A. Jamison, Interim Director

Music and Arts Ministry

Charles B. Jackson Singers

Harold Brooker, Minister of Music

The Charles B. Jackson Singers is affectionately known as the CBJS. The choir is named after its Pastor, the Reverend Dr. Charles B. Jackson, Sr. This choir serves as one of the evangelistic musical ambassadors for the Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia, SC.


To travel and spread the gospel through song outside the perimeter of Brookland Baptist Church.

"We Can Do All Things Through Jesus Christ Who Gives Us The Strength To Do Them With!”


* Must be 18 years or older and a member (in good standing) with an adult choir of the church
* Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM in conjunction with the Sanctuary Choir and special called rehearsals as needed.
* Renders music by invitation
* Choir Anniversary Observance - 2nd Sunday in July
* The CBJS embark on an annual summer excursion/tour and has ministered song in New York, New Jersey, Boston, Florida, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Detroit, Virginia, New Orleans, Los Angeles, the Bahamas, and California
* The choir has performed with various artists to include: Minister John P. Kee, Shirley Caesar, Vanessa Bell, Reverend Timothy Wright, Minister Keith Pringle, Mississippi Mass Choir, Wilmington Chester Mass Choir, Nikoltown Community Choir, and the Georgia Mass Choir.
* The choir has a recording to its credit, “Endless Praise”, recorded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1990 and a homecoming album “He Reigns”, with South Carolina native, Donald Malloy released in 1999.

effie boykin Sanctuary Choir

Harold Brooker, Minister of Music

The Effie Boykin Sanctuary Choir is named after Mrs. Effie Boykin who was very instrumental in the church’s music ministry and organization of the Senior Musical Choir. The choir was formed as a result of the retirement of the Senior Musical Choir and merging of the Charles B. Jackson Singers in 1995.


Provide music as an inspiring and uplifting force for those who assemble together in worship. It is to serve as a complementary phase of the church’s Sunday morning worship where songs of God’s love are rendered with fervency and power.


“Greater Is He That Is In Me Than He That Is In The World!” 


* The choir renders the music at 11:00 AM Worship Service on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays
* Must be 18 years or older and a member of the church
* Regular rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
* Primary uniform: Robe, all black, black and white
* Choir provides music during church-sponsored events, Holy Week, Revival Services, and when requested by the Pastor
* Choir Anniversary Observance – 2nd Sunday in November
* Choir Anniversary- November 13th
* Choir will sing on Sunday mornings (1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays)

First Sunday Ensemble 


Jubilee Choir

Claudia Williams

Male Chorus

Marcus Works

mime ministry 

 marilyn shine

praise team

minister john lakin, III - director

Sign Language Ministry (BBCSLM)

LIZZIE Clemons

our purpose:

“To ensure that the power of salvation may be shared by persons through sign interpretation and that they are assured of equal access and representation at any/all meetings and conferences sponsored by the church when requested and approved by the President or Vice-President."

sonrise chorale

marilyn hopson 

We sing on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at the 8am worship services. 
Rehearsals are held each Tuesdays at 6 pm.

Register Now For Extravanganza 2020

Teens in Praise

michelle wright
The Purpose is to share god's message through the singing of songs at the 11 am worship service each 3rd Sunday.
Teens In Praise Membership

( )   -

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Shirt Size

Youth Choir

The purpose of this auxiliary is to provide a mechanism for children age 5- 12 to actively participate in the worship experience as they render inspiration through Christian song. More importantly, serving in this capacity fosters an opportunity for young minds to heighten their awareness of the ONE, TRUE LIVING GOD. It also teaches them the importance of servitude.  The choir’s major purpose within the church family will be to provide music for the 11:00 am WORSHIP HOUR during the months of September - April of the following year.

Rehearsal Times 

The BBYC rehearses on 2nd and 3rd Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. in the Main Sanctuary building. Additional rehearsals may be called if necessary. The choir sings every 3rd Sunday during the 11:00 a.m. worship service.

Youth Choir Ministry Registration

Child's Age*

Child's Age

Child's Age

( )   -

Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministry

Deacon Michael Harris, Ed.D., Director

The Brookland Church is committed to serving this present age by meeting the spiritual, physical, economic and social needs of the people of God.  We are our brother's keeper and as such, we provide ways for you to get involved with helping to meet the challenges that impact our local community. You can help by volunteering your time in support of our Community Services Programs. Through volunteering, you can assist those persons who are in need. 

500 Club

Deacon Ronald Richmond, director -
Deacon Michael Keels, northeast director –

The 500 Club is a small but vital ministry. The core members are only visible during a specific time of the year. They volunteer their time during the Christmas holiday season. The members come together each October to discuss and decide a menu, vendors, location of activity, and date to distribute the Annual Christmas Food Baskets. Over the past 25+ years-the ministry has provided meals for 200-450 people during each Christmas season.

To provide food items to the Senior Citizen population of the Brookland Baptist Church and the local community that will result in a nutritious meal for the Christmas holiday season.

Other Additions:
* First meeting will be a called meeting in October.
* Annual Christmas Food Baskets will be distributed on one of the Saturdays in December prior to Christmas day.


H.s.  tate |
Our meetings are every first Saturday of the month

You are welcome to become a member of the Brookland Baptist Brotherhood if you want to make a difference and meet the following criteria:

·        Are a male 18 years or older;
·        Are committed to and agree with the mission and objectives of the Brotherhood;
·        Pay the annual membership fee of $10, $11 if paying online.

Memberships and renewals after the annual membership drive in January may be made at Brotherhood events and meetings.  Click here to join online!
The purpose of the Brotherhood is to establish and maintain a Christian Fellowship of men for the following purposes: Spiritual, Emotional, and Family Stability as well as Community Service Initiatives Spiritual and Emotional

For Information on the Brotherhood

Other programs: 
Manhood Training
Jericho Road Program - deacon george holmes
oratorical contest - deacon tyrone brown

Care & Keep

Lisa Davis, director

Christian Counseling

sharon rice-brown, lisw-cp director

Church Aid Club

To facilitate the active acknowledgment and recognition of annual pastoral celebrations; to encourage the sick, shut-in and bereaved families of the church; and to be diligent in winning souls for Christ.
Meetings:  Monthly on the 4th Saturdays at 10 am

Clothes Bank

frarazia johnson | 803-556-0442

Couples For Christ

Dale and Denise Collier 

To promote the Christian growth of married couples. In order to accomplish this, the planning committee of our ministry works diligently to plan activities on an on-going basis. Throughout the year, events that focus on parenting, quality time, communication, stress management, finances, and enhancing your relationship are offered to all couples. In addition to the workshops, family events such as picnics and fellowships are planned where children are included as well as the couple.

Our Goal

It is our pleasure to share with you our history, goals, activities, and information about our yearly Retreats.

Retreat Information

The 5 Basic Needs of A Man
The 7 Basic Needs of A Woman


reverend vernon davis |
reverend sandra reaves bey |

financial ministry

jerome nesbitt, president

The purpose of the Financial Ministry is to help people grow closer to Christ by teaching biblical financial principles through Education, Empowerment, and Evangelism.


Members of Brookland Baptist Church or Graduates of the Adult or Collegiate Small Group Study offered by the Financial Ministry are eligible for membership.


The Financial Ministry meets every second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm.

Food Bank

bobbie louden, director 


Intercessory Prayer

reverend marilyn bassfield, director


Our purpose is to ensure that all areas of the Church are covered with prayer continuously. We pray for our Pastor, Staff, City, State, Nation, Government and the entire body of believers in Christ.  To rely on God's power to break through, pull down and build up victoriously as we flow in the Holy Spirit, creating an atmosphere for Signs, Miracles and Wonders in the Name of Jesus.  To be committed and dedicated members submitted to the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit.


To develop an effective prayer life

To worship the Lord and understand what it is to pray in spirit and truth

To help those who desire to understand and accept their true calling to pray


To implement a series of in-depth training sessions, workshops, lectures, and seminars that will teach Intercessors how to develop an effective prayer life

Contact Us: 
24 Hours A Day Prayer Line Requests ONLY
Local: 803-796-8380
Toll-Free: 1-877-796-8380

For any other prayer questions or concerns please contact us using our Office Number:


Prison Ministry

john H. whittleton, sr., esq.


The purpose of the Ministry is to structure and develop a FAITH based Christian ministry specifically targeted for incarcerated individuals and those suffering from the negative effects of incarceration. Volunteers from all communities are welcome to serve in the Ministry without regard to their church affiliation.

ministry meetings are held every 3rd Thursday at 6:30pm.  You are welcome to join us.

Progressive Auxiliary

ethel foulks

Senior Citizens

Dr. Cindye Richburg Cotton, Executive Director

The James B. Adams, Sr., Senior Citizens Center is open to individuals age 55 and older. The Center provides ongoing activities for senior citizens including social activities, ministry, a range of information programs, exercise, creative arts, volunteer opportunities and community services. There is a weekly cost of $5 dollars for seniors to attend the Center and these funds support the cost of lunch for them.   Most activities are supported and funded through the Center.  We are located at the Brookland Lakeview Empowerment Center at 1218 Batchelor Street in West Columbia. 

Senior Missionaries

bea stephens, president


robin jackson, president


The purpose of the Brookland Baptist Sisterhood is to provide ongoing opportunities for spiritual and emotional growth, promote family stability and relationships and support community service among women.

More Information

Soup Kitchen

Donald Wood |

The Brookland Baptist Soup Kitchen Ministry delivers soup and sandwiches each Saturday (December through early April) to the elderly, sick and shut-in and others in the Cayce/West Columbia community. 

The Soup Kitchen Ministry has been operational for more than 30 years and began in 1985 at the request of Pastor Jackson who had the vision of a soup kitchen to help meet the needs of those growing older, the sick and shut-in and the needy of our local community.

The Ministry is based on the biblical principal from Matthew 25:34-35 which reads, “Then the king will say to those on his right hand Come, you blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.” 

Initially, the ministry served approximately 25 persons each week. Today, the ministry now serves approximately 150 persons weekly. Meals are prepared by a group of dedicated volunteers at former church site on Monticello Street each Saturday. Each week the volunteers make home deliveries to the constituents that they serve. However, walk-ins are welcome. 

The soup kitchen is funded by sponsors who are willing to donate $160 per Saturday. The donation covers the costs the ministries food costs and supplies. As one volunteer said recently, “I wish we could do this year round, I really miss the interaction with our seniors and seeing their joyous faces each weekend.”

 If you are interested in either volunteering or sponsoring a day, please contact our coordinator, Donald Wood, at dwood  or (803) 414-8295.
Checks should be made payable to the Brookland Baptist Soup Kitchen Ministry.

Women In Ministry

reverend betty h. brown, director

Media Ministry

e. ricky taylor, director

 All Young adult activities 

All young adult activities

young woman's auxiliary

romi robinson 


To convey the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person through witnessing and winning: witnessing to others that Jesus Christ is our Savior, Redeemer, Friend and Lord; and winning souls to Christ through teaching and ministering to the needs of the individual. Our ministry encourages and works to involve others in God’s redemptive work in today’s world. We are a fellowship designed to help young women to become God’s redeemed and work to bring others into the fellowship of the redeemed. Our objective is to mobilize and educate young women, study and promote missions, Christian education, and to carry to every person the gospel of Jesus Christ.


The YWAs participate in various activities at both the church and Gethsemane district level. Some of our activities include:

Walter's Retirement Home
Annual Mother-Son event
Quarterly fellowships
Brookland Soup Kitchen
The Ronald McDonald House
Prayer Breakfasts
May Convention
Lavender Tea

Women between the ages of 18-50 are encouraged to join us. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
You may contact the YWAs at if you would like further information or are interested in joining our ministry.