Brookland Ministries list
Trustee Ministry
Michael Ferguson, Chairman
Deaconess Ministry
Deaconess Pamela Hailstock-Davis, President
The Deaconess Ministry encourages a covenant relationship within the church with loving attitudes of understanding, acceptance, and kindness. The deaconess’s goal is to be a helpmate to her husband in visiting the sick and giving spiritual encouragement with compassion, love, and patience.
Deaconesses are responsible for assisting with the church ordinances, Baptism and Communion.
1) Deaconesses help female candidates prepare for the Baptismal services. The deaconess is there to provide counsel and reassurance to the candidate during this once-in-a-lifetime experience. After the services, the deaconesses are responsible for laundering and storage of the items used during Baptism.
2) It is the duty of the deaconesses to prepare the table in observance of The Lord’s Supper. After Communion, the deaconess will undress the table, clean utensils, launder and properly store linen and utensils.
Deaconesses are appointed by the pastor.
Participants: Wives of the Deacons and other Women of dignity within the church, selected by the Pastor, who possess Christian purpose and who have great reverence for spiritual matters.
Academic Education Ministry
Deacon Robert Rhinehart, Ph.D., Director
The role of the church is vitally important in all aspects of life, even more so when it comes to the education of our youth. Children must not only be taught to reverence God through scriptural
Exodus 18:20 “And thou shall teach them ordinances and laws, and shall show them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.”
The Brookland Baptist Church Academic Ministry encourages, promotes and rewards excellence in education (grades 1 - 12) through various programs (honor roll recognition, scholarships and education assistance awards).
Brookland's Scholarship Information
Director: Dr. Robert Rhinehart
Academic Honor Roll: Ms. Marilyn Hopson
Scholarship Fund: Ms. Marilyn Hopson
For additional information you may contact: West Campus Marilyn Hopson
Black History
Dr. Reginald A. Bess, chairman
academic honor roll
Pastor’s and Deacons’ Honor Rolls
Guidelines and Procedures
Developed by the Academic Education Ministry Scholarship Fund Committee
The scholarship committee, on behalf of the Brookland Baptist Church family, presents revised GUIDELINES and PROCEDURES GOVERNING the PASTOR’S AND DEACONS’ HONOR ROLLS. Pastor Jackson has made “excellence in education” one of the hallmarks of the church’s ministries. These guidelines provide the procedures used to recognize those students in grades one through twelve who are meeting the standards of excellence that we expect our students to maintain.
1. What is the purpose of the honor rolls?
Brookland Baptist Church provides a rich, Christian education for its members and for the wider community. The church also embraces a holistic ministerial agenda, which focuses on the total development of the individual. To that end, the church recognizes and promotes excellence in education. The honor rolls recognize those students who have excelled academically and encourage them to continue their efforts.
2. Who is eligible for inclusion on the honor rolls?
Students in grades 1 – 12 and attend Brookland Baptist Church services regularly are eligible for inclusion on the honor rolls.
3. How are students recognized?
All students receive monetary rewards. Students on the Pastor’s list will receive $10.00 and students on the Deacons’ list will receive $5.00.
4. When students are recognized and receive rewards?
Students are recognized twice per year during the regular worship service. First semester (1st & 2nd Quarters) honor roll students are recognized on the third Sunday in February. Second semester (3rd & 4th Quarters) honor roll students are recognized on the third Sunday in June. The date is announced in the bulletin. Students may pick up rewards following both worship services.
5. What are the eligibility requirements for the Pastor’s Honor Roll?
Students qualifying for the Pastor’s Honor Roll must have an A in all subjects during the applicable grading period. Grades are not averaged.
6. What are the eligibility requirements for the Deacons’ Honor Roll?
Students qualifying for the Deacons’ Honor Roll must earn at least a B average during the applicable grading period. If there is a C on the report card, a student may still qualify for the Deacons’ Honor Roll as long as the overall average is B.
7. Who will review report cards to determine eligibility?
The Scholarship Committee will review report cards for the applicable grading period by using the grading scale defined by the SC Department of Education for public schools. Additional grading information will be requested when grading scale is not consistent with the SC Department of Education standard.
8. What process is used when grades other than A, B, C or D is used and the grading scale is different from the SC Department of Education?
The committee accepts evaluation of student performance other than the traditional assignment of grades and will request an additional evaluation when needed.
9. Where should report cards be submitted?
Students should place report cards in the box labeled “REPORT CARDS” located in the lobby of the administration building by the due date. The due date will be announced and posted in the church bulletin. Parent’s name and telephone number must be recorded on the back of the report card.
10. Who is responsible for these guidelines and procedures and answering questions about the Pastor’s and Deacons’ Honor Rolls?
Scholarship Fund Committee
Tutorial Program
Cassandra Conyers-Rush, Coordinator
| 803-318-3479
Our tutorial program is located under our Brookland Foundation
college ministry
Minister John Lakin, III - Director
Usher's Ministry
Deacon Donald Turner, Director
The definition of an usher means doorkeeper but in truth, our churches greatly depend on diversity and magnitude of the many services ushers provide. Each usher has the opportunity to impact the lives of new and existing people in the church and should be viewed as an extension of the pastor’s hand. In most cases, they provide the first impression of church and its ministry.
Most pastors believe that an usher’s performance can make or break the outcome of the service as well as bring a true reflection of how friendly and loving their church really is. Ushers set the spiritual climate of the service by presenting a joyful attitude, make others feel welcome and comfortable, and make sure that everything is flowing in a proper order so that everyone is free to worship without interruption.